Motivation Quotes

How has your day been so far? Are you completing everything you have for today? Is something stopping you? Well, I hope you complete everything you have set up for this day/week. The purpose of this blog is for me to give off good vibes to you today. I personally believe that the amount of energy that you put out there, is the same you’re going to receive. For this reason, I have a couple of quotes for you to help you get through your day, week, or even year.

  • “Nothing worth having comes easy.”  My English professor said on the last day. She said we can't give up and let our past or current circumstances get in our way. If what we want is something that everyone can get than everyone would have it. See, if you truly want something you can’t give up on it. What we usually want is something that isn’t easy to get or accomplish but it’s worth all the struggle. 
  • “Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.” Okay, I don’t have to explain this one to you. It’s pretty clear, just don't give up and keep on fighting for what you want. 
  • “There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.” I personally love this one. We often compare ourselves to other people because, in our eyes we see them doing better. Your time to shine will come, don’t be desperate. Everything will eventually fall into place and you will succeed.
  • “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” by Confucius. I dedicate this quote to my student viewers. It doesn't matter how slow or fast you go on your process what matters is that you complete it and you get there. Don’t be discouraged by your process. Enjoy the journey. 
  • “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today” by H.G. Wells.  If you had a bad day yesterday or it just wasn’t your day, remember that there is always tomorrow. The best thing that God ever created (right after dogs and animals) was one day after another. Take each day as a new opportunity to redeem yourself. 

I hope this helped you out a bit or at least it motivated you. I will be posting soon so keep an eye out. As always, if you have any suggestions or would like me to write about a specific topic let me know! Have a wonderful day/ night. 
Much love, 


  1. Yess!! Work it, girl. One of my favorite quotes is from Ghandi and says "Everything you will be insignificant but it is very important that you do it because nobody else will".


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