The Return

Right now it’s 12:06am, I’m in my bed watching “Bride Wars” with my roommate, Sarah. It’s funny how I came to Miami 6 months ago and I remember feeling so scared, but thanks to Sarah, getting used to my new life hasn’t been difficult. I’m not gonna lie, I cry at least every month because I miss my family so much, but I know that they understand that I’m doing this for all of us. Nobody told me that the jump was going to be scary but once you get to the other side, man… the view is wonderful. 
I’m still in the process of making friends; I learned how to be more open and to not take everything personal. I had to learn to be more responsible when it comes to paying bills, and I have to constantly remind myself to drink water and to eat. Other than that, I learned what I like, what I don’t like, and I learned more about myself than I thought possible. 
For new incoming students all I can tell you is: 1) everybody has they’re thing going on, even if you don’t see it. 2) Don’t get anxious because your friends are about to graduate or you see people around you getting ahead in life and you feel like you’re not; remember that everybody goes to the beat of their own drum. 3) Enjoy college, get involved in as many things as possible and be open to meeting new people. 
My apologies for not posting in months, I thought studying in Florida was going to be easier, but it isn’t. Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll be trying to post more. I feel that people actually enjoy reading my posts so in these few months I’ll be more active. I have more things to tell you guys and all in good time. 

I hope you’re doing okay. If you ever feel stuck take a deep breath and remember why you’re doing what you do.
Much love,


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